Dinosaur Egg Hunt:
There are many possibilities and ways to organise a Dinosaur Egg Hunt or Fossil Find. The first involves listing items that Children can easily find and return to you in exchange for chocolate eggs. See our list below.
The second is a little more involved and works well with older children. Draw a map of the area that the children need to explore and leave clues on pieces of paper to lead the children to the Fossil or treasure of chocolate eggs. Dinosaurs Galore has lots of items to help children explore including compass, magnify glass, head torch and Dinosaur Dig fossils of bones, dinosaurs, skeletons and teeth and claws to find.
Ages 3-5
Start by listing items to be found and once gathered these can be exchanged for chocolate eggs.
1. carnivore dinosaur
1. herbivore dinosaur
1. piece of herbivore food
1.piece of sediment rock or 1 rock
1. piece of meteor rock (pretend)
1. leaf from an ancient relative of plants that lived at the same time as the dinosaurs. (Wollemi pine leaf, a Gingko tree leaf, a conifer leaf, Fossil Fern or Club moss)

Ages 6+
Draw a map of the area that the children need to explore and leave clues on pieces of paper to lead the children to the fossil or treasure of chocolate eggs. Ask the children to write down their answers to questions as they follow the map and find the clues. You might need a compass for this version, could also use a head torch to explore at night.